Alison's Links

Hello All…

… what a couple of days this has been. There is something wrong wth the YouTube app that is preventing me from posting any of Alison’s links from yesterday’s excellent interview. So I am putting the “Video Description” right here, so that you can find everything that Alison wanted you to see.

Be aware that the Amazon/Adorama links (some of them) are affiliate links - so if you use them to go by something, my channel will make a few cents - you know the deal - and it really does help when you do that!

The video recording of the interview is here… but if you found this article you have probably already seen the video!

From the YouTube video description…

Two hours of the coolest fungal and slime mold photography you are ever likely to see. Alison, Rik, and the live audience discuss everything there is to know about finding, growing, photographing, and in one memorable case, eating slime molds. A thoroughly enjoyable live event - exactly what you would expect from two forces of nature, like Alison and Rik. Huge thanks to the live audience and especially to Mike Kanfer for keeping everything moving right along. If this video doesn't make you want' to walk around in the woods in the rain, nothing will.

I was instructed to provide some links, so that is what I shall do - note that a few off these links are affiliate links (Adorama and Amazon), which means that if you use one of these links to buy something, I might make a little money - or I might not (there is a "formula" - that's all I know) - but nothing ventured, nothing gained, so here goes...

Alison's Instagram account:


Alison's Facebook page:


Alison Pollack’s and Alan Rockefeller’s five-day mushroom photograph class, The Art of Mushroom Photography, September 2023:

Facebook Slime Mold Identification and Appreciation group:

Basic books on slime molds

Myxomycetes - A Handbook of Slime Molds

Where the Slime Mold Creeps, by Sarah Lloyd (for Australians)

For Spanish speakers, a very good guide to collecting and studying myxos


Peta McDonald's keys to myxos


Older but still very useful keys to myxos


Where to get the white paper boxes if you cannot find matchboxes:

Rik Littlefield's terrific forum for photomacrography:

See the technical forums and galleries.  So much useful information!

The rest of these links are to the various tools and products Alison uses in her work - when a specific product is unavailable for any reason, I have linked my recommendation for an alternative solution.

Manfrotto carbon fiber tripod 190CXPRO4 (3 pounds)

Kirk BH-3 ball head - apparently not available anywhere, but here is one I have been looking at…

The Olympus camera and macro lens…

The Raynox DCR-250

A nice set of M4/3 extension tubes

Alison’s Ulanzi light panels

In the Studio Alison uses the Sony A7r2

Laowa in the studio…

Huanyu lab lifter - lovely piece of gear, this is

If you want to get a stackshot - you have to go to the Cognisys website and order directly form them.

Don’t forget the Plamp and the Trond lights -