What Is This?
/March is upon us and it is off to a hectic start. I have spent much of the weekend going through the excellent entries for the February competition. It is such an interesting batch of entries that I have decided to use Tuesday evening’s Macro Talk for announcing the results and discussing the entries. I always enjoy these livestreams and I think there is a lot to learn from the process. That will be at 8PM on Tuesday and the link too the stream is right here - https://youtube.com/live/huzYrBtOcqg?feature=share
On Thursday we are going to be getting back to the channel’s macro roots - insect photography! As the winter is slowly winding down in Middle Earth, it will not be long before the bugs return, and to celebrate that fact I would like to spend this week’s Macro Talk Too talking about the easiest and hardest insects to photograph. I will cover both field and studio macro so that after Thursday’s stream you may have a feel for the challenges you want to set for yourself this year. It should be a lot of fun and you can access the stream using this link - https://youtube.com/live/zla07Wz0G4E?feature=share
Talking about the competition, the theme for March 2025 is…
What is this?
We are going to try something altogether different in our March Macro Photography Competition. I was thinking back to a feature that was published every week in our local newspaper when I was a lad. A photograph would be presented and the reader would be asked to identify the subject of the image. The pictures were always close-up shots and the reader’s task was to figure out what we were looking at. I was actually quite good at this and would often give the correct answer
In March, I want you take a picture of something small but common, while not giving enough information for a rapid identification. The winning picture will be a good quality image, at 1:1 or closer. It will be of a subject that is common enough that anyone will be familiar with it. The part of the subject shown in the image will show characteristics that are fairly unique to, or characteristic of this subject. The perfect picture will make the viewer think “Of course! I see that now!”. The judges will assign points for technical merit, originality, and the cleverness of the puzzle picture. The judge does not have to solve your puzzle entry for you to get a perfect score, but if it is too easy you may lose points.
In this competition you must name the entry picture(s) as usual, and the title may be a clue, if you wish, but I also need you to provide the solution after the title. The judges will not see the solution prior to seeing the images.
This week, on Saturday, we have AfterStack 18, with the discussion to be led by Walter Perrott. The subject is going to be post-production management of focus stacking artifacts. We will probably touch on the retouching process though the majority of the time will be spent talking about the various techniques for artifact removal in Photoshop and other editing programs. If you have any challenging focus stacked output images that you would like to bring to the group, please send them to me or to Bud through the Google Drive link shown here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XA7tv9O2SW0TGRjiIIRBzMRMAu-ZAkKe?usp=share_link
And here is your invitation to the discussion -Topic: AfterStack18
Time: Mar 8, 2025 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 691 680 2815
Passcode: 678122
That is it for this week - I must run - I have an event to attend and to keep everyone on their toes, I plan to arrive on time. Hope to see you tomorrow!