Scrimp my scrim - make your own professional studio diffuser
/Some valuable advice for photographers looking to save money on high-quality studio equipment
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Some valuable advice for photographers looking to save money on high-quality studio equipment
Read MoreFollow the pros to improve your landscape photography. 12 indispensable practices you need to know.
Read MoreLooking for a fun, indoor photography project to tackle this weekend? Look no further! A few simple parts and a little ingenuity is all you need to create cool and unique light paintings. Read on….
Read MoreAll the reasons why these beautiful and amazing creatures deserve our admiration and respect. Don’t believe me? Read on…
Read MoreHow much longer are we going to let online mega-retailers get away with cutting corners at our expense? And what are we going to do about it? Read on for one irritated human’s thoughts on the matter.
Read MoreEver thought about trying your hand at water drop photography? Check out my independent review of the awesome and affordable SplashArt MkII water drop kit. Or just look at the cool water drop collisions.
Read MoreThis is what I came up with when I went looking for stuff to photograph around the house on a rainy day.
Read MoreWith the macro-photography season winding down, consider these suggestions for off-season photography activities that are guaranteed to up your macro-game in time for spring.
Read MoreThe challenge was to find and photograph, in one hour, all the bugs living on a single chunk of rock in the woods. This is how it went…
Read MoreA practical, step by step guide to setting up camera and flash for better macro photographs.
Read MoreJoin me on a short walk through a coastal wetland and enjoy closeup photographs of the amazing creatures I met along the way.
Read MoreA breakdown of the macro photography gear that I use every day, with tips and tricks for constructing your own system (and saving a bunch of your hard-earned cash).
Read MoreThis is the story of Evania appedigaster, the blue-eyed ensign wasp, a fierce predator of cockroach eggs. With some nice big pictures and loads of gory detail. Take a look… you know you want to!
Read MoreFor real… an entire blog post about pins. Macro photographers will understand.
Read MoreA look into the controversial issue of killing insects for photography - it’s more nuanced than you might think.
Read MoreA review of Nikon’s PB-6 macro bellows - 35 years too late. Why you need this piece of gear.
Read MoreA series of macro photographs depicting an assortment of spiders and insects hungrily devouring one another for lunch!
Read MoreThe second post in a series that looks at how you can get into extreme closeup photography without breaking the bank. In part 2 we discuss capturing the images and focus stacking.
Read MoreThe first in a series of posts that look into entry-level extreme closeup photography and how to do it on a budget. This post takes a closer look at the basic equipment you will need.
Read MoreThe next in a series of posts that take an up close look at the occupational hazards of macro photography. Today’s guest, the unlovable yellow jacket.
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