Photographing Reflective Jewelry
/Shiny objects…
… are challenging to photograph - no doubt about it. There are so many ways that the shoot can go awry, from how the item is posed, how it is lit, and how it is finally photographed.
In this fairly long video, I will walk you through every step of the process. I have deliberately left in all the mistakes so that you can see with your own eyes what happens when you get something wrong. The stone I chose to shoot was probably the most challenging piece of jewelry I have every photographed - making for a ton of illustrative mistakes by which we can both learn!
Black opal and peridot pendant
I apologize for the poor sound and video quality in parts of this video - I was trying out a new piece of equipment and ran into a ton of sound and video issues. I will have them all addressed before using the gear in another video!
Enjoy the video!