DIY Macro Flash Modifier
/What’s up everyone!?
Earlier this week I invented a really cool gadget for lighting macro subjects out in the field. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like this so I decided to make a video about how you can make one for yourself. I made a bunch of prototypes, using all kinds of materials, but this is definitely the strongest, lightest, and easiest to build and use.
Lovely soft light!
It fits on the end of any on-camera speedlight, so you can use TTL if your flash is so equipped. The device is made of EVP and is lined with reflective material. The flash is directed through the modifier and out through the diffuser panel at the end. You can change the diffuser quickly and easily. You can also add gels of other filters in a couple of seconds.
I figured out that I can build one of these in about 45 minutes for under $5. And that is with my rather limited DIY skill-set. I imagine you could do it quicker and cheaper.
Anyway, please check out the video, and if you decide to build one yourself, let me know how it went and give me any ideas you have for how to improve the build.
Use good ventilation when using contact cement and be careful with the knives!
See you next week!